暂无评分 作者:谢成水绘 出版社:江苏美术出版社 出版日期:2012年02月 ISBN:978-7-5344-2806-7 中图分类:K879.412;J222.7 ( 历史、地理 > 文物考古 > 中国文物考古 > 美术考古 )
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封面 书名页 版权页 目录页 莫高窟272窟(北凉)供养菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 272,Attendant Bodhisattvas,the Northern Liang Dynasty 莫高窟257窟(北魏)须摩提女缘品 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 257,the Northern Wei Dynasty 莫高窟254窟(北魏)萨埵太子舍身饲虎图 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 254,Prince Sudana Attendant the Tiger,the Northern Wei Dynasty 莫高窟254窟(北魏)萨埵太子舍身饲虎图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 254,Prince Sudana Attendant the Tiger(Partial),the Northern Wei Dynasty 莫高窟254窟(北魏)萨埵太子舍身饲虎图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 254,Prince Sudana Attendant the Tiger(Partial),the Northern Wei Dynasty 莫高窟254窟(北魏)尸毗王割肉贸鸽 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 254,King Shipi Feeds the Pigeon With His Body,the Northern Wei Dynasty 莫高窟257窟(北魏)九色鹿本生故事之一、二、三 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 254,the Jataka of the Nine-Colored Deer(Part Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ),the Northern Wei Dynasty 莫高窟249窟(西魏)顶北披狩猎图 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 249,Hunting(the north part of the ceiling),the Western Wei Dynasty 莫高窟249窟(西魏)天宫伎乐之一、二、三 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 249,Musicians in Heavenly Palace Part Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,the Western Wei Dynasty 莫高窟249窟(西魏)龛内飞天之一 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 249,Flying Apsaras Inside Niche Part Ⅰ,the Western Wei Dynasty 莫高窟249窟(西魏)龛内飞天之二 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 249,Flying Apsaras Inside Niche Part Ⅱ,the Western Wei Dynasty 莫高窟249窟(西魏)龛内供养菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 249,Attendant Bodhisattvas Inside Niche,the Western Wei Dynasty 莫高窟303窟(北周)观音普门品 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 303,The Universal Door of the Bodhisattva Who Listens to the Sounds of All the World,the Northern Zhou Dynasty 莫高窟303窟(北周)观音普门品(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 303,The Universal Door of the Bodhisattva Who Listens to the Sounds of All the World,(Partial),the Northern Zhou Dynasty 莫高窟303窟(北周)观音普门品(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 303,The Universal Door of the Bodhisattva Who Listens to the Sounds of All the World,(Partial),the Northern Zhou Dynasty 莫高窟285窟(西魏)说法图 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 285,Buddha Preaching the Law,the Western Wei Dynasty 莫高窟428窟(北周)萨埵太子本生故事之一 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 428,Jataka of Prince Sudana(Part Ⅰ),the Northern Zhou Dynasty 莫高窟428窟(北周)萨埵太子本生故事之二 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 428,Jataka of Prince Sudana(Part Ⅱ),the Northern Zhou Dynasty 莫高窟428窟(北周)萨埵太子本生故事(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 428,Jataka of Prince Sudana(Partial),the Northern Zhou Dynasty 莫高窟428窟(北周)独角仙的故事 The Mogao Grottoes,the Unicorn Story,Cave 428,the Northern Zhou Dynasty 莫高窟420窟(隋)西域商队图 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 420,the Caravan in the Western Regions,the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟420窟(隋)西域商队图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 420,the Caravan in the Western Regions(Partial),the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟296窟(北周)善事太子入海品 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 296,Prince Nice in the Sea,the North Zhou Dynasty 莫高窟296窟(北周)善事太子入海品(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 296,Prince Nice in the Sea(Partial),the North Zhou Dynasty 莫高窟296窟(北周)善事太子入海品(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 296,Prince Nice in the Sea(Partial),the North Zhou Dynasty 莫高窟419窟(隋)须达拏太子本生故事之一 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 419,Jataka of Prince Sudana Part Ⅰ,the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟419窟(隋)须达拏太子本生故事之二 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 419,Jataka of Prince Sudana Part Ⅱ,the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟419窟(隋)须达拏太子本生故事之三 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 419,Jataka of Prince Sudana Part Ⅲ,the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟419窟(隋)须达拏太子本生故事之四 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 419,Jataka of Prince Sudana Part Ⅳ,the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟419窟(隋)须达拏太子本生故事之五 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 419,Jataka of Prince Sudana Part Ⅴ,the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟419窟(隋)须达拏太子本生故事之六 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 419,Jataka of Prince Sudana Part Ⅵ,the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟419窟(隋)须达拏太子本生故事(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 419,Jataka of Prince Sudana(Partial),the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟427窟(隋)飞天之一、二 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 427,Apsaras(Part Ⅰ,Ⅱ),the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟427窟(隋)飞天(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 427,Apsaras(Partial),the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟427窟(隋)飞天(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 427,Apsaras(Partial),the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟427窟(隋)飞天(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 427,Apsaras(Partial),the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟407窟(隋)三兔飞天藻井图案 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 407,Three Rabbits Fling Caisson Ceiling,the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟407窟(隋)三兔飞天藻井图案(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 407,Three Rabbits Fling Caisson Ceiling(Partial),the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟276窟(隋)观音菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 276,Avalokitesvara,the Sui Dynasty 莫高窟57窟(唐)菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 57,Bodhisattva,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟57窟(唐)菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 57,Bodhisattva,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟57窟(唐)观无量寿经变图 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 57,the Illustration of Amitayurdhyana Sutra,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟57窟(唐)观无量寿经变图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 57,the Illustration of Amitayurdhyana Sutra(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟57窟(唐)观无量寿经变图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 57,the Illustration of Amitayurdhyana Sutra(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)南壁阿弥陀经变图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,the Illustration of Amitabha Sutra on the South Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)南壁阿弥陀经变图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220 the Illustration of Amitabha Sutra on the South Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁药师经变图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,the Illustration of the Bhaisajya-guru-vaidurya-raja-sutra on the North Wall,(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁药师经变图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,the Illustration of the Bhaisajya-guru-vaidurya-raja-sutra on the North Wall,(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)北壁舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Dancers and Musicians on the North Wall(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟220窟(唐)菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 220,Bodhisattva,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟320窟(唐)菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 320,Bodhisattva,the Dang Dynasty 敦煌藏经洞绢画(唐)菩萨(英藏)Dunhuang Grottoes Silk Painting,Bodhisattva,the Dang Dynasty,Collected by Britain 敦煌藏经洞绢画(唐)菩萨(英藏)Dunhuang Grottoes Silk Painting,Bodhisattva,the Dang Dynasty,Collected by Britain 敦煌藏经洞绢画(唐)菩萨(英藏)Dunhuang Grottoes Silk Painting,Bodhisattva,the Dang Dynasty,Collected by Britain 敦煌藏经洞绢画(唐)天王(英藏)Dunhuang Grottoes Silk Painting,Heavenly King,the Dang Dynasty,Collected by Britain 莫高窟45窟(唐)菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 45,Bodhisattva,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟45窟(唐)都督夫人像 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 45,Portrait of Lady Command,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟444窟(唐)说法图 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 444,Buddha Preaching the Law,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟329窟(唐)莲花飞天藻井图案 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 329,the Lotus Apsaras Caisson Ceiling,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟329窟(唐)莲花飞天藻井图案(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 329,the Lotus Apsaras Caisson Ceiling(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟329窟(唐)飞天之二 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 329,Apsaras(Part Ⅱ),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟329窟(唐)飞天之一 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 329,Apsaras(Part Ⅰ),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟321窟(唐)飞天 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 321,Apsaras,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟321窟(唐)飞天 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 321,Apsaras,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟320窟(唐)舞乐图 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 320,Dancers and Musicians,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟31窟(唐)菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 31,Bodhisattva,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟217窟(唐)观音菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 217,Avalokitesvara,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟23窟(唐)雨中耕作图 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 23,Ploughing in the Rain,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟431窟(唐)马夫与马 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 431,the Groom and the Horse,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟112窟(唐)反弹琵琶舞乐图 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 112,Playing the Lute,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟112窟(唐)反弹琵琶舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 112,Playing the Lute(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟112窟(唐)反弹琵琶舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 112,Playing the Lute(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟112窟(唐)反弹琵琶舞乐图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 112,Playing the Lute(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟45窟(唐)观音普门品 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 45,the Universal Door of the Bodhisattva Who Listens to The Sounds of All the World(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟45窟(唐)观音普门品(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 45,the Universal Door of the Bodhisattva Who Listens to The Sounds of All the World(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟45窟(唐)观音普门品(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 45,the Universal Door of the Bodhisattva Who Listens to The Sounds of All the World(Partial),the Dang Dynasty 榆林窟25窟(唐)菩萨 The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 25,Bodhisattva,the Dang Dynasty 榆林窟25窟(唐)地藏菩萨 The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 25,The Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha,the Dang Dynasty 莫高窟61窟(五代·宋)五台山图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 61,the Illustration of Mount Wutai(Partial),the Five Dynasties Period-Song 莫高窟61窟(五代·宋)五台山图(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 61,the Illustration of Mount Wutai(Partial),the Five Dynasties Period-Song 榆林窟3窟(西夏·元)舞伎(局部)The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 3,Maiko(Partial),the Western Xia Dynasty-Yuan 榆林窟3窟(西夏·元)舞伎(局部)The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 3,Maiko(Partial),the Western Xia Dynasty-Yuan 榆林窟3窟(西夏·元)舞伎 The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 3,Maiko,the Western Xia Dynasty-Yuan 莫高窟409窟(西夏)回鹘王礼佛图 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 409,King Huigu Worshiping Buddha,the Western Xia Dynasty 莫高窟328窟(西夏)菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 328,Bodhisattva,the Western Xia Dynasty 榆林窟3窟(西夏·元)文殊菩萨 The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 3,Wenshu Buddha,the Western Xia Dynasty-Yuan 榆林窟3窟(西夏·元)文殊菩萨(局部)The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 3,Wenshu Buddha(Partial),the Western Xia Dynasty-Yuan 榆林窟3窟(西夏·元)文殊菩萨(局部)The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 3,Wenshu Buddha(Partial),the Western Xia Dynasty-Yuan 榆林窟3窟(西夏·元)普贤菩萨 The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 3,Puxian Buddha,the Western Xia Dynasty-Yuan 榆林窟3窟(西夏·元)普贤菩萨(局部)The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 3,Puxian Buddha(Partial),the Western Xia Dynasty-Yuan 榆林窟3窟(西夏·元)普贤菩萨(局部)The Yuling Grottoes,Cave 3,Puxian Buddha(Partial),the Western Xia Dynasty-Yuan 莫高窟465窟(元)菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 465,Bodhisattva,the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟320窟(元)菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 320,Bodhisattva,the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟61窟(元)供养比丘 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 61,Attendant the Monk,the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟61窟(元)供养比丘尼 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 61,Attendant the Bhiksuni,the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨 The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara,the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara(Partial),the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara(Partial),the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara(Partial),the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara(Partial),the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara(Partial),the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara(Partial),the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara(Partial),the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara(Partial),the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara(Partial),the Yuan Dynasty 莫高窟3窟(元)千手千眼观音菩萨(局部)The Mogao Grottoes,Cave 3,Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara(Partial),the Yuan Dynasty 顾恺之女史箴图(东晋)仕女(局部)(英藏)Lady Officials by Gu Kaizhi,Ladies(Partial),Collected by Britain 附录 东晋 顾恺之《女史箴图》(局部)Lady Officials by Gu Kaizhi(Partial),the Eastern Jin Dynasty 新疆克孜尔80窟听法图 Kezier,Xinjiang,Cave 80,Listening the Law 西藏萨迦南寺壁画 欢喜金刚 Mural in Sakya South Temple,Tibet,Happy Vajra 山西永乐宫壁画(元)玉女 Mural in Yongle Palace,Shanxi,Teenage Girl 山西永乐宫壁画(元)白虎君 Mural in Yongle Palace,Shanxi,White Tigar 印度雕刻(公元1-3世纪)少女 Indian Carving(1st-3rd century)Girl 后记 封底 ..更多
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